Day 3: A picture of the cast from your favorite show.
AH so I couldn't decide what my favorite show is. So I put 2 shows :)
AH so I couldn't decide what my favorite show is. So I put 2 shows :)
1. The Wonder Years. It's from the 80s about growing up in the late 60s-70s. So an old show. I like old shows. I think t.v. was much better back then. Now it's all crap shows like Jersey Shore, bleghh.
But anyway. I love the Wonder Years because I think it's a really well-done, poignant portrayal of what growing up feels like. Even though I didn't actually grow up in the 70s, I feel nostalgic watching it. Like I'm looking back on my own childhood. It's just fantastic.
2. Gilmore Girls. I absolutely love this show. The acting is okay, and the relationships are fairly drama-filled, but it's the dialogue that gets me. So funny and well-delivered.
My favorite element of the entire show, though, was the relationship between Jess and Rory. Once they finally got together, I didn't actually like them as a couple, but it was the tension leading up to it that was so....epic I guess. I LOVED the chase for Rory from Jess. ohmygosh. Like, you could see her slowly becoming intrigued by him and falling for him and he was SO in love with her. Ah. Simply adorable. looooooved it.
lost? find out more about what the 30 day challenge is here: http://yoplaityogurt.blogspot.com/2011/02/30-day-challenge.html
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