Day 1 - A picture of yourself with fifteen facts.
1. I competitively Irish danced for 11 years, and miss it every day.
2. Picnik completes my life...I'm a photography dork and subscribe to the premium version :p
3. Cherry chapstick is my fave. I used to like carmex, but now I think it tastes bad. and softlips doesn't work.
4. If I have to take two pills, I can only swallow the first one. The second one requires applesauce, the only way I can swallow pills. The first time I ever swallowed a pill, I was at a dance competition and basically got murdered and needed a pain pill, and someone's mother yelled at me. She scared me so much that I swallowed in fear, and....boom. it was gone :]
5. I get hit in the head a lot. So much so that I had to wear a helmet around the house when I was small. My mother was rather overprotective, to say the least.
6. My favorite city in the whole entire world is New York. Something about the city exudes magic...like anything could happen, whether it be randomly meeting the person you marry in the middle of Central Park, or going to a fabulous party and running into a celebrity, or just having the best time just...sitting on your front step watching people go by. I would looooooove to live there someday.
7. I love piano. To me, it's the prettiest sound imaginable.
8. Some people are lyrics people, but I'm a melody person. The reason I like music is not because of the words, but rather how it sounds...like the singers voice and the melodies and harmonies and meshing of instruments. Like, someone could be singing about their goldfish swimming in a tank, but if it's a pretty tune and it's sung well..hey. i like it :]
9. Swiss-Miss chocolate-vanilla-swirl pudding is the absolute best food in the universe. Hands down.
10. I have the worst eating habits. The other day, I told my mom I ate an apple and she was literally speechless. "An apple, honey? Like....a real apple? I'm so proud of you!" Ha, give me a cheeseburger over tofu any day.
11. I really like fashion. It's not the designer labels or expensive brands that attract me; I like putting clothes together and accessorizing. Like, a simple belt can make the difference between a lackluster dress and a kick-ass, slimming, going-out outfit. I also lovelovelove thrifting. Some people get freaked out about the fact that the clothes are used, but that's why they invented washing machines. :] There's nothing better than finding that peach cardigan you've been wanting for AGES. At the cheap price of $0.75. Ah. The best.
12. I like little kids. I love the pure, honest enthusiasm they have about the littlest things. And their curiosity. Kids just find joy in the simplest ways and never stop wondering and imagining and exploring. I think this world needs a bit of that joy and wonder, to be honest.
13. Some people cry when they get anxious; some people have panic attacks; I used to throw up. Like I would literally vomit at dance practice because I was so nervous. I also refused to eat.
14. I get distracted very easily. I sometimes wonder if I have ADD.
15. Last, but not least, I'm always excited to try new things. How else would we have fun?
confused? check out all the numbers here: http://yoplaityogurt.blogspot.com/2011/02/30-day-challenge.html
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